Helping Your Makeup Last Through The Heat

Hello Gorgeous!
If where you live is anything like where I live then Summer is in full force which means extremely hot temperatures. I live in the South so you can add in major humidity with that heat. Over the years I have found little tips and tricks to help keep my makeup actually on my face instead of sliding down my neck from the humidity and heat...
Prepping your skin is definitely the key factor in helping your makeup last all day. You want to exfoliate your skin at least 1-2 times a week. I personally don't do more than that because you can exfoliate too much and cause does for me anyways. Even if you have oily skin (like myself) you still want to moisturize before you put on any makeup. Pick a moisturizer that works best for YOUR skin type.  I prefer something very light and without any chemicals since I do have oily, sensitive skin. I don't like to put anything heavy on my skin during the day. Cetaphil makes great moisturizers for people with sensitive skin. Another important tip is to not forget about exfoliating your lips. Exfoliating your lips a few times a week can completely change the look of your lipstick. Dry, chapped lips can definitely make your look a bit messy and not as clean looking. You will notice by exfoliating your lips your lipstick will last so much longer and go on so much smoother. ELF makes an amazing lip exfoliator that is so easy to use and easy to throw in your makeup bag. There are also so many DIY lip exfoliator recipes that you can find on Pinterest

My next tip to long lasting makeup is to Prime. A lot of people skip this step and don't think it is actually necessary, but to me this is a very important step that I never like to skip. I actually used to be one of those people that thought primer was just another beauty gimmick that the Beauty Industry started to get us to spend more money. I couldn't figure out how a friend of mine that has very similar skin to me made her makeup last so much longer than mine did. She told me her secret was primer. I did some research and started using a face primer and eyeshadow primer and was amazed at how much it really made a difference. After you moisturize apply your face primer of choice, let it soak into your skin for about 10-15 minutes then apply your makeup. There are so many different primers out nowadays that it can be a bit confusing to pick out which one works best for your skin. If you are ever in doubt, ask a beauty consultant. They will help you narrow it down to what would work best for your skin type.  Makeup Forever has some great primers that work great for a lot of different skin types. I think every person wearing makeup should make sure they have an eyeshadow primer in their collection. You will be amazed at how much longer your eyeshadow lasts with one. Urban Decay is famous for their Eyeshadow Potion Primer, but there are other eyeshadow primers less expensive that work just as great. 

This is something that I started doing a couple of years ago and have been obsessed with ever since. I don't layer ever single day, but only if I have a big event for, such as a wedding, that I want to make sure my makeup lasts throughout. The most important key to layering your makeup is to build it up by applying thin layers. You can do this with your foundation, concealer, bronzer, and blush. Start by applying a cream base and then layer it with a powder..For example, with blush you want to pick a cream and powder blush that are similar in color. Apply a thin layer of the cream blush and then apply the powder blush on top of where you applied the cream blush. This can really help your blush and whatever else you layered last.

The last step to helping your makeup last through this crazy heat is to set your makeup. Urban Decay makes a great setting spray and a lot of people have been raving about the new setting spray from L'Oreal. There are a lot of other setting sprays that are suitable for different skin types. They make some for dry skin, oily skin, sensitive skin, and so many others. Make sure you get one that works best for your skin type. You can apply the spray throughout the day to help your skin looking fresh.

So there you have tips and tricks to helping your makeup last through the hot, Summer days. 

What are your some of your favorite techniques at helping 
your makeup last?

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